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Hyus Meditec focuses on developing core technologies for ultra-high frequency ultrasound imaging, aiming to provide professional ultrasound solutions for preclinical and clinical research. The new "Microus" system is equipped with an ultra-high resolution imaging platform and ultra-high frequency probe, which can provide excellent image quality to meet the preclinical research needs of biomedical applications such as cardiovascular, abdominal organs, tumors and small animal embryos, as well as the needs of superficial human tissues.
Ultrahigh frequency ultrasound imaging system
Ultrahigh frequency ultrasound system for small animal and superficial tissue imaging
Key Features
Address: 12th Floor, Building D3, Phase II, Nanshan Zhiyuan, Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen Hyus Meditec Co., Ltd.
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